Springville City CERT Mock Disaster


Springville City CERT, along with the Springville Department of Public Safety will be holding a mock disaster Wedneday, August 7, at the Springville Senior Center, 65 East, 200 South.  

The following time frame is planned:

                5:30 pm   Victims and those doing moulage arrive.  Also CERT staff arrives

                6:00 pm   CERT members and other participants arrive–organize into teams.

                6:30 pm   Search and Rescue Operations commence. 

                7:15 pm   Ambulance  and Fire Truck arrive–Join with CERT teams

                7:45 pm   All participants assemble for debriefing and refreshments.

                8:15-8:30 pm Clean up–Load CERT trailer.

You will always learn something valuable about your own skills and readiness to respond to a big emergency situation in every mock disaster you participate in.  I find this to be true even though I have been doing this for years.

Please arrive before 6:30 with your go-kit and be prepared to practice in the SET.