We will be having a ‘Call Out’ Staffing Net tonight (Friday, February 10) on the 147.34+ (pl 100.0) repeater at 1800. The Event time and place will be given during this Net. Even if you can’t come, please check into this Simulated ‘Call Out’ Net.
There will be another Net called tomorrow between 0900-0930 for talk-in on this same frequency. Other Frequencies will be given at the SET.
Thanks to BYU Amateur Radio Club for their repeater use and Red Cross for their participation.
(For more information, click on “Read More”)
Saturday’s forecast: cold and sunny
Some things to bring (which are basic to most call outs or public
service events)
- Dress appropriately for standing outside.
- Communications ID (UCARES or Club, FCC)
- 2m HT or Dual Band, Tri Band, (more than one also encouraged)
- HT radio manual(s)
- Earpiece for traffic
- Radio mic (or combo ear/mic)
- Back up gain antenna
- Both hands free: chest pack, sling, radio belt clip
- Alkaline battery pack and extra batteries for 24 hrs. use on high power.
- Pen, pencils and blank lined paper
- water & snacks
- your jumpkit or anything else that makes you feel ‘prepared’ for an
If you’re not familiar with the UCARES certification jumpkit items,
please check out the section in the new Field Manual.
If you know anyone interested in joining us that isn’t a ham.., yet,
please encourage them to come for the experience.