Field Day 2009 – June 27th & 28th
Dear Field Day Participant:
Field Day… For the Fun of It!
We all became hams for our own reasons. Some of us were interested in public service and
helping others in times of need. Many discovered the hobby as an outlet to their curiosity about
electronics and communications. Still others joined our ranks because of the quest to meet new people
and expand their own personal bank of knowledge.
Whatever the reason you became an amateur, there is one compelling thread that brought us all
together in this fraternity of amateur radio. It is as simple as can be:
We became hams for the FUN of the hobby!
And while it serves a wide array of interests and purposes, there is no greater FUN-damental goal
for Field Day than to HAVE FUN! While it encompasses a broad range of amateur radio interests – CW,
Phone, Digital, emergency preparedness, public service, satellites, recruitment, antennas, new and vintage
equipment, and so many more – Field Day is, above all else, a chance for us to have some fun with our
hobby. After all, while it is a regulated service and there are serious aspects to our use of the bands, the
true “amateur spirit” of our hobby (defined by Paul Segal, W9EEA, back in 1928 in “The Amateur’s
Code”) is found in “slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the
beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others.”
Fun is where YOU find it in this hobby. Some will discover the fun by operating overnight
building up their club’s total number of QSOs. Others will never make a single Field Day contact but
will derive their fun by helping set-up antennas and generators. The joy of sharing your radio
knowledge to a newcomer will be fun for many old-timers while other old-timers will experience the
“Field Day high” when they make their very first QSO using a new digital mode or via one of the
amateur radio satellites. The camaraderie of the annual club Field Day picnic covered dish supper will be
a fun highlight for many, while still others will find the joy in the hobby by simply being able to spend a
couple of hours from home on an otherwise busy weekend tuning the bands and making a few contacts.
Now is the time to start preparing. There are no significant rule changes for Field Day 2009. So
no matter how you choose to participate, let the planning and adventure begin. Try something new! Get
newcomers involved! Test your skills and limits. But what ever you do, remember the first and most
important element of Field Day is HAVE SOME FUN!
See you on the air June 27th and 28th. 73!
Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Field Day Manager