Annual TERT Indoor Training

Saturday, April 12th is Timpanogos Emergency Response Team (TERT) Indoor Training. This will be at UVRMC Training Area, NW Plaza-Clark Auditorium from 0830 to 1300.

The tentative schedule is:
0830 New members orientation–please be on time. ID pictures, address, email/phone updates etc. Forms to sign. That’s why you need to be on time. If you’re a member already, come early and get your info/ID taken care of and a good seat next to the TERT legends.

0900 General Session & Introduction to TERT culture
0930 Medical Training
1020 Break
1030 Life Flight presentation
1100 Practical Training & Rotation Stations (30min each)
1230 End of Training approximate

TERT Outdoor Training, at Aspen Grove, is currently scheduled for May 17th.

The TERT team has an official hat, so if you don’t have your Tilley T4 Khaki hat yet, find out your size (go to or Parks Sportsman/Kirkham’s sells Tilleys if you want to try them on. The hats cost $38 and we hope will be here by the Outdoor Training Meeting.

This event counts as an SET if you are working on UCARES certification.

To participate in this year’s TERT season, new members need to attend the Indoor & Outdoor Training sessions.

Learn more about TERT by going to

The UVRMC NW Plaza-Clark Auditorium is the NW bldg of the complex labelled 1134. Enter from the northside. Corner of Bulldog Blvd and 500 West, Provo-(-across from the Macey’s complex.)