The leadership of the UCARES organization comes from the Utah County Emergency Communications & Support Team (ECSteam) in coordination with the State A.R.E.S. section manager Pat Malan, N7PAT. Through the ECSteam we liaison directly with the Utah County Sheriffs Office through the Emergency Services Division.
- Emergency Coordinator (EC) Caryn Alarcon, KG7UUR
- Membership Coordinator (AEC) Gavin Grow, K9GKG
- Liaison Coordinator (AEC) Michael Preuss, W7MJP
- Net Manager (AEC) Gary Hutton, KE7UIA
- Assistant Net Manager (AEC) Taylor Foote, KI7SHU
- Interface Coordinator (AEC) Scott Golightly, KG7WHX
- Advancement Coordinator (AEC) Ron Edwards, K7RCZ
Coordination / Agencies / Liaison
Much of our work involves operating from various agencies through their Emergency Operation Centers or EOC’s. For a list of our currently staffed EOC’s see the EOC Information page.
We also work directly with the following agencies or organizations: