Firebirds Motorcycle Race

More people are needed to help with the Firebirds Motorcycle race this Saturday Aug 9. The event takes place in and around Eureka and will be held from 7:00 am to approx. 1:00 pm.

More people are needed to help with the Firebirds Motorcycle race this Saturday Aug 9. The event takes place in and around Eureka and will be held from 7:00 am to approx. 1:00 pm.

This is our first year helping out with this event. Firebirds motorcycle club has heard good things from the Sage Riders club about the services we provide. They are very excited to have us.

The motorcycle events are very exciting to participate in. Not only is this a loud and dirty event that participants are prone to injure themselves on.
This is also a chance to really test your equipment and communication skills while being close enough to help if you need it.

This is the last fundraiser we have this year before the year end picnic next month in September. The money’s we raise from this type of event are used to maintain repeaters and fund the annual picnic. The more money we raise, the better the door prizes are at the picnic. Traditionally we give away a handheld or mobile radio as well as other accessories and ham related trinkets.

All those interested in helping with the motorcycle race, contact Stacy Jensen to volunteer.